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Multiple Cystic Lung Disease

A lung cyst is an air-filled lucent structure surrounded by a thin wall. The presence of multiple intrapulmonary cysts is defined as cystic lung disease. Although cystic lung disease is rare, incidental detection has increased significantly in recent years by screening using computed tomography. There are many conditions that can mimic lung cysts and cause cystic lung disease. Clinical, radiogr...

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Multiple cystic lung disease.

Multiple cystic lung disease represents a diverse group of uncommon disorders that can present a diagnostic challenge due to the increasing number of diseases associated with this presentation. High-resolution computed tomography of the chest helps to define the morphological aspects and distribution of lung cysts, as well as associated findings. The combination of appearance upon imaging and c...

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Diffuse cystic lung diseases: differential diagnosis

Diffuse cystic lung diseases are characterized by cysts in more than one lung lobe, the cysts originating from various mechanisms, including the expansion of the distal airspaces due to airway obstruction, necrosis of the airway walls, and parenchymal destruction. The progression of these diseases is variable. One essential tool in the evaluation of these diseases is HRCT, because it improves t...

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[Multiple cystic adenocarcinoma of the lung].

は じめに 肺癌 において〓 胞性肺病変 の合併は時に経験 され るが,両 側 に多発性〓 胞性陰影が認め られ, 肺癌の進展 に伴い〓 胞が増大 し呼吸不全に まで 至 る症例 は極めて稀 であ り,過 去 に数例の報 告 が な されて いるにす ぎない三・2).今回我 々 は, 全肺野 に及ぶ多発性〓 胞性陰影にて発見 され, 化学療法 を行 うも効果な く,〓 胞性病変の増大 に より呼吸不全 となった肺腺癌症例 を経験 した ので報告す る. 症 例 患者:39歳,女 性.主 訴:乾 性 咳嗽.既 往歴: 29歳,扁 桃腺摘 出.30歳 より慢性 甲状腺 炎にて 乾燥 甲状腺末内服 中.家 族 歴:父,胃 癌 母, 子宮癌.職 業歴:放 射線技 師.生 活歴:喫 煙歴 なし.現 病 歴:1998年7月 頃よ り乾性咳噺が 出 現 し,持 続す るため近医 を受診,胸 部X線...

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Cystic Lung Disease in a Young man

A 32-year-old man was admitted in the Emergency Department with acute dyspnea secondary to spontaneous pneumothorax. He had history of spontaneous pneumothorax 2 years ago.He was active cigarette smoker (10 pack/year). The family history was unremarkable for lung diseases. Additionally, he had no systemic complaints.The lung HRCT revealed multiple bizarre-shaped cysts distributed in both lungs ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Ukrainian Pulmonology Journal

سال: 2019

ISSN: 2306-4927

DOI: 10.31215/2306-4927-2019-105-3-58-67